This week's entry is twenty five GW Mordor orcs. They are a combination of plastic and metal and include two of the ooooold metal orc models from when the line was first started, now re-purposed as captains.
First up, painted as Isengard orcs. |
In the movies Saruman has normal orcs in his army as well. They do the grunt work around Isengard, hatching new Uruk Hai, cutting down trees, a little light gardening. Since you can take orcs in the list (at least in the old rules) I am painting up some of my orcs as Isengard. For this lot it's mostly the flag and the shield on the captain, though the two archers with helmets have an S rune on them.
You can see the shield symbol on the captain. This is how they are described in the book, a black circle with a white hand in it. |
The captain is one of the two old metal sculpts. They are soooooo much better than these crappy plastics. |
This guy is just prime LotR sculpting from back in the day. |
Next up are the "heroes" for the Mordor orcs. These are three metals and a plastic Gothmog.
The third guy from the left is another ancient metal orc re-purposed as a captain. |
The three metals are some of my favorite GW sculpts. They are just clean, interesting and well detailed. Gothmog is a great example of the current plastic state of the art; very good considering the medium. |
I don't usually run the drummer or the whip dude, but you never know what the new rules will lead to. |
The last group is 13 archers. These guys are the same as the Isengard ones above, there are only two poses, and they're really the same dolly with a different head. The main difference is that my Isengard army, painted years ago, has brown bases with grass on them and Mordor have grey bases with a single brown tuft.
These are pretty good for plastics of this stage of LotR development, but still not great. |
The archers will fill in Mordor, Minas Morgul and Moranon lists and will provide the fire support for the Moranon orcs I painted last year. |
These will also serve in other fantasy games like D&D, Pathfinder, Five Leagues from the Borderlands, Rangers of Shadowdeep and Oathmark. |
This group means I have enough painted orcs for almost all of my needs, barring Oathmark. So, naturally, I'll be painting up a bunch more of the non-archer ones soon.
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