Showing posts with label Romans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romans. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Final Post for the 7th Annual Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge

This is my last post for a week or so. The boys are on Spring Break and we are in sunny California, where it is not quite as nice as it is back in Colorado, oddly.

This post is all over the place as it's made up of stuff that I've been tinkering with since the challenge started.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

28mm EIR Command stands

This entry is some long awaited command figures for my EIR army. There are two command stands, which will finally let me play with an all painted army. There are also four command models to slot into my cohorts. I mis-counted at some point and had too many legionaries and not enough commanders.

Monday, March 06, 2017

28mm Velites from Victrix

This entry makes me somewhat ashamed. I had them done two weeks ago but didn't get the basing grass done. I had them done last week but didn't get them photographed.  They are finally on the boards though.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

EIR Command stand for Hail Ceasar - 28mm Warlord Games

This entry was completed right before the Challenge, though I'm just now remembering to get it posted up. This is a command stand for my Early Imperial Romans. The models are from Warlord Games.

The emperor and his praetorian guards.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Early Imperial Roman Auxiliary Medium Infantry

This is my final post of the Challenge. Eighteen Early Imperial Roman Medium Auxiliary Infantry from Victrix. The savvy among you will recognize that Victrix doesn't make that set. These are actually their Republican armored infantry. I cut the feathers off of the helmets and used them as is from there.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Early Imperial Roman Auxiliary Javelin men (40 points)

This post is eight auxiliary javelin men from Victrixj. They are from the Republican Romans with Armor box. They'll be part of my EIR army for Hail Caesar.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday, June 13, 2014

The XX Legion

I'm currently in the UK for a brief vacation.  We stopped in Bath a couple of days ago and one of the exhibits talked about the XX Legion.  Their symbol was the boar and there is the remains of a carving as well as a re-creation of what it would have looked like when it was created.

An actual boar of the XXth Legion, recovered at Bath.
The Police sketch artist version of the boar.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Painting Challenge XVI - Bonus Round - Last Stand

  Here’s my entry for the Last Stand.  It’s Boudicca being done in by a Roman auxiliary all in 28mm.  Boudicca’s ultimate fate is not recorded, but I prefer to believe that she died fighting on the field of the Battle of Watling Street.

Top view showing all three models.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Painting Challenge VII - Roman auxiliary cavalry - Finished

I've finished up the last of my Romans for the challenge.  These six models complete the medium cavalry as well as the army as a whole, barring the command stands which were started pre-challenge.

Roman auxiliary cavalry
All six of the final models.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Painting Challenge V - The last of the auxiliary infantry

Yet another entry into the painting challenge.  I grouped two batches together to the burden on Curt.  These are the Cohors V Gallorum, one of the many Auxiliary Cohorts in Britannia.  These guys are pretty much the same as the last two cohorts except that they have green shields instead of yellow or white.  Very creative.

Roman Auxiliaries
V Gallorum, ready for battle.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Better late than never

Another unit done for the EIR Romans.  I completed these guys two weeks ago but couldn't muster the energy to post them.  I have some painting done for the challenge, but that has to post on Curt's blog first.  I took pictures of these guys at the same time as the challenge figures, so here they are.
Eight eastern auxiliary archers to support Legio II.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hail Caesar - Roman skirmishers

The painting challenge is already working it's magic.  I need to clear the work bench so I can queue up the models for the challenge.  This week I got eight slingers done.  They've been sitting on the workbench for months.

Eight slingers.  I have high hopes for these chaps.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Numidian Light Cavalry

Today I completed another unit for the Early Imperial Romans.  This is six Numidian light horse from Warlord Games.  Light cavalry has always been one of my favorite units.  The speed.  The hard hitting strikes on the flanks.  The fragility if you use them wrong.

All six of them.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hail Caesar Battle Report - Rome vs Carthage

Saturday was the monthly Hail Caesar game.  The local shop was running a tournament so I hosted Jonathan at my place.  Our armies have both grown to the size where we can get some interesting tactical situations going.  It was both fun, and frustrating, and resulted in a staggering loss for Rome.

By the way, I recognize the anachronism of a Roman army with an emperor fighting against Carthage.  It is what it is, those are the armies we have.

Lots of maneuver, not many Romans left.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Roman army - Group shot

Jonathan and I played another game of Hail Caesar yesterday, though that's a story for another day.  Knowing that the game was coming up, I've been trying, frantically, to get everything painted.  Jonathan has done a much better job than me of only bringing painted units to the table.  March's cock up put me behind but I came very close.  Both of our armies are coming along nicely, though HC will play better with a lot more models than we have.  Still, here's an army shot, showing everything that is done so far.

All that are painted.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Eastern Auxiliary Archers

Today I completed another unit for the Romans.  We had a snow storm roll in and everything was shut down, so I had most of the day to paint.  This is a unit of eight archers for my Roman army.  They did strong work in their last fight, which was their first outing, so I have high hopes for them now that they are painted.

Auxiliary archers.  

Sunday, April 07, 2013


Making up for March's failure, I finished this regiment of 21 Praetorians in the last week.  One will go on the base with the Emperor.  Sixteen will be in the Cohort and four are extra.  I'm really pleased with how this unit came out.  They are my favorite so far in this army.

He's so bad ass he can't even be bothered to draw his sword.

Friday, April 05, 2013

March and April

March was a complete failure for my hobby.  I didn't play a game.  I didn't pick up a brush.  I didn't assemble so much as a single 15mm figure.  Nothing.  While I have valid reasons (vacation, new job) I am still feeling down about it.

My plan for April is ambitious, probably too much so, but I have to pump it up to get my mojo back.

March.  This says it all.

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