Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Painting Challenge III - Non-combatant

My first entry has been submitted to Curt.  It has now been up on his blog for the mandatory 24 hours so I can post it here.  The Challenge has bonus rounds every two weeks.  The first round was for non-combatants.  Claudia was my entry.

Claudia.  I'm very happy with the freehand on her apron.
 I painted this model from start to finish on the Saturday before she was due, in between wrapping up the EIR Auxiliaries who are in the next post.

This model is a Bones model from Reaper.  She came with my Kickstarter minis.  This was the first of the Bones that I have painted.  The detail is fair, not as good as metal certainly, but then it costs a lot less too.  I did find the plastic very hard to clean of mold lines.  Both the file and the x-acto knife worked less well than with metal or hard plastic.  Reaper claims you don't need to prime this material, and the paint went on fairly well but I found that if I watered it then it ran off.  I had to put it on straight out of the bottle.

The model is pretty simple.  Not a lot of details.  The only things that really stand out on her are her rather prominent assets.  I decided to try some free hand on the apron.  It begged for something, being rather plain, with a large surface area.  I'm pleased with how it came out, especially at tabletop distances.

This is also the first time I've painted eyes on a model.  As a rule eyes are not visible from more than twenty feet away most of the time, so I just don't bother.  On this model her face is open so it seemed appropriate to give it a go.  I painted her looking to the side a little bit, whether to see if a customer needs a refill or to sneer at a cat call, I'm not really sure.  It doesn't show up very well.  I guess I'll have to hope I get that macro lens I asked Santa for.

I have no idea what I'll use her for, but I like the model.  She could work for fantasy as well as several hundred years of historical gaming, so scenarios or just townspeople as scenery would work.  I have a few more of these civilian Bones models so she'll have some company at some point.
The "subtle" highlighting appears to be too subtle to actually notice.
 The model does not have a lot of detail so it gave me the opportunity to work on some of the basics, highlighting, eyes and free hand.  I have a long way to go but I'm still very happy with her.
The beer in the mugs is the one thing I'm really not happy with.  Happily, that will not be something I have to paint very often.
First entry in the Challenge and first Bones figure.  I'm off to a slow start.  I'll have to up my game.


  1. You did a really nice job on the lady!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Michael. I'm happy with her, except for the eyes, they are still bothering me.

  3. Nicely done, I just finished the same figure as my test of the bones figs. I will have to go back and add some detail to the apron, now that you have inspired me.

    1. Deja vu! I saw this same finished model at your place on the 22nd.

    2. I'm glad I was able to inspire you to tart her up a bit.


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