Sunday, December 22, 2013

Better late than never

Another unit done for the EIR Romans.  I completed these guys two weeks ago but couldn't muster the energy to post them.  I have some painting done for the challenge, but that has to post on Curt's blog first.  I took pictures of these guys at the same time as the challenge figures, so here they are.
Eight eastern auxiliary archers to support Legio II.
My Roman legion is fairly standard steel and red.  I add color with the auxiliaries.  These easterners are Warlord models, and very nice they are too.  No flash and very light mold lines.  They were great fun to paint.  

There are four poses, two kneeling and two standing.
I now have two units of these guys.  They have been surprisingly effective in the two games I've used them.  They don't kill enemy units but they are great for putting some wounds on them and softening them up.  When two blocks of heavy infantry go toe to toe it's nice to have the enemy already a little bit weaker.

The detail is great all the way around.  These are really nice castings.
This is the last of my light troops for the II legion.  I plan on a second legion at some point.  They will have western archer auxiliaries.  I'm also thinking of adding some Cretan archers and perhaps some javelin men.  I think most people tend to think of the Roman army as massed ranks of red and steel clone infantry.  The auxiliaries are a great way to add some color and variety to those ten cohorts of bloody minded sameness.


  1. Nice looking group! I'm also waiting for my first entry to post. Have a Happy Holiday!

    1. Thanks Anne. I hope you have a Happy Christmas.

  2. Very nice! I like the blue colour in particular

    1. Thanks Paul. The blue is my favorite part of them as well. I wanted something vibrant that would really stand out on the table.

  3. Nice! The blue and bronze combination produces very handsome figures.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. I am finding that bronze goes really well with most primary colors.


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